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Create a Lesson Template

InstructorJohn Lindquist

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Lessons often have common starting points. If you're going to make lessons in bulk, it helps to create templates so you don't waste time setting them up over and over.

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John Lindquist: Go to CodeSandbox and create a Sandbox. Pick the type of lesson idea you have, mine will be Vanilla. Then we'll create a GitHub repo from this template by signing in with GitHub, forking the Sandbox. I guess I have to sign in again.

Now I'm going to name my repo vanilla-template. Hit Create Repository. Then over on GitHub under my account, you'll see a repo called vanilla-template, which was created with CodeSandbox. If I grab the link to clone this, copy that, and go into my terminal, I can use a tool called degit.

Then I'll paste my link and then name my lesson. Let's call it lesson-name. Hit Enter. That cloned my project into a lesson-name directory but removed all of the Git information. You can see all of the files, but I can still git init this to start working on a project which will work perfectly on CodeSandbox.