1. 22
    Asynchronously Load webpack Bundles through Code-splitting and React Suspense
    4m 10s

Asynchronously Load webpack Bundles through Code-splitting and React Suspense

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One approach to building high performance applications with webpack is to take advantage of code-splitting to only load the needed JavaScript on initial load and asynchronously load additional JavaScript bundles when needed. In this lesson, we'll create add some code-splitting to our placeholder application and configure our project to support the dynamic import() syntax.

~ 6 years ago

I would like to know how React Suspense in compare to React Loadable. Will there be any use cases where I would use one over the other and what are their each pro​s and cons?


Alan Baird
Alan Baird
~ 6 years ago

Seems like this syntax is supported out of the box when I tried it - I didn't get the message saying Babel doesn't have support for this experimental dynamic import syntax.