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    Change the Background Color of a React Leaflet Popup with CSS Selectors

Change the Background Color of a React Leaflet Popup with CSS Selectors

InstructorColby Fayock

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We were able to tweak the styles to make the text look more readable, but we didn't do much else. This is your chance to go wild - you can update the background color, change the text color, or do something fancy!

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Colby Fayock: These popups look pretty decent. What if I wanted to change them to look more like the theme? We can see in the HTML that each of the pop up, it's a className of Leaflet popup.

If you look at the leaflet-popup-content-wrapper, you can see that's where it's actually getting the background color of white. We can also see that this is setting the leaflet-popup-tip, which is the bottom piece here.

If we copy the selector and we move it into our code, we can create a new set of styles. I'm going to set a background-color to blue violet. Now, if I look on my browser, I can see that that's overriding the way and it's making it blue violet.

That's hard to read now. How can I fix that? First, I can set the color.selector to white, which updates all the text, but I can create another selector for all the links and set those to cyan. Now, I can see my updated link color. Finally, I don't think these rounded borders fit in. I'm also going to set my border-radius to zero. Now, I have my popups with the sharp edge.