Build Reusable Vue.js Components

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By building components, you can extend basic HTML elements and reuse encapsulated code. Most options that are passed into a Vue constructor can be passed into a component. Each instance of a component has an isolated scope. Data can only be passed one direction and it must be from parent to child using props. To communicate with the parent element, use the $emit method.

~ 8 years ago

Code preview is referencing

should be

~ 7 years ago

Christopher! Thanks, I was really confused.

~ 7 years ago

the initializer value for total doesnt seems right p/s: its about the vue version...fixed

Lars Devocht
Lars Devocht
~ 6 years ago

Hi Greg, thanks for the great corse. I found it confusing that you don't mention that “X-Templates” script is a part of a component definition. In this case the component definition seems split in two parts. Whithout that, it’s like “where is this script stuff coming from?”