Fundamentals of Testing in JavaScript
Intro to Fundamentals of Testing in JavaScript
Throw an Error with a Simple Test in JavaScript
Abstract Test Assertions into a JavaScript Assertion Library
Encapsulate and Isolate Tests by building a JavaScript Testing Framework
Support Async Tests with JavaScripts Promises through async await
Provide Testing Helper Functions as Globals in JavaScript
Verify Custom JavaScript Tests with Jest
JavaScript Mocking Fundamentals
Intro to JavaScript Mocking Fundamentals
Override Object Properties to Mock with Monkey-patching in JavaScript
Ensure Functions are Called Correctly with JavaScript Mocks
Restore the Original Implementation of a Mocked JavaScript Function with jest.spyOn
Mock a JavaScript module in a test
Make a shared JavaScript mock module
Configure Jest for Testing JavaScript Applications
Intro to Configure Jest for Testing JavaScript Applications
Install and Run Jest
Compile Modules with Babel in Jest Tests
Configure Jest’s Test Environment for Testing Node or Browser Code
Support Importing CSS files with Jest’s moduleNameMapper
Support using Webpack CSS Modules with Jest
Generate a Serializable Value with Jest Snapshots
Test an Emotion Styled UI with Custom Jest Snapshot Serializers
Support Custom Module Resolution with Jest moduleDirectories
Configure Jest to Run Setup for All Tests with Jest setupFilesAfterEnv
Support a Test Utilities File with Jest moduleDirectories
Use Jest Watch Mode to Speed Up Development
Step through Code in Jest using the Node.js Debugger and Chrome DevTools
Configure Jest to Report Code Coverage on Project Files
Analyze Jest Code Coverage Reports
Set a Code Coverage Threshold in Jest to Maintain Code Coverage Levels
Report Jest Test Coverage to Codecov through TravisCI
Run Jest Watch Mode by Default Locally with is-ci-cli
Run Tests with a Different Configuration using Jest’s --config Flag and testMatch Option
Support Running Multiple Configurations with Jest’s Projects Feature
Run ESLint with Jest using jest-runner-eslint
Test Specific Projects in Jest Watch Mode with jest-watch-select-projects
Filter which Tests are Run with Typeahead Support in Jest Watch Mode
Run Only Relevant Jest Tests on Git Commit to Avoid Breakages
Test React Components with Jest and React Testing Library
What's changed in Test React Components with Jest and React Testing Library
Intro to Test React Components with Jest and React Testing Library
Render a React Component for Testing
Use Jest DOM for Improved Assertions
Use DOM Testing Library to Write More Maintainable React Tests
Use React Testing Library to Render and Test React Components
Debug the DOM State During Tests using React Testing Library’s debug Function
Test React Component Event Handlers with fireEvent from React Testing Library
Improve Test Confidence with the User Event Module
Test Prop Updates with React Testing Library
Assert That Something is NOT Rendered with React Testing Library
Test Accessibility of Rendered React Components with jest-axe
Mock HTTP Requests with jest.mock in React Component Tests
Mock HTTP Requests with MSW
Mock react-transition-group in React Component Tests with jest.mock
Test componentDidCatch Handler Error Boundaries with React Testing Library
Hide console.error Logs when Testing Error Boundaries with jest.spyOn
Ensure Error Boundaries Can Successfully Recover from Errors
Use React Testing Library’s Wrapper Option to Simplify using rerender
Test Drive the Development of a React Form with React Testing Library
Test Drive the Submission of a React Form with React Testing Library
Test Drive Mocking react-router’s Redirect Component on a Form Submission
Test Drive the API Call of a React Form with React Testing Library
Test Drive Assertions with Dates in React
Use Generated Data in Tests with tests-data-bot to Improve Test Maintainability
Test Drive Error State with React Testing Library
Write a Custom Render Function to Share Code between Tests and Simplify Tests
Test React Components that Use the react-router Router Provider with createMemoryHistory
Initialize the history Object with a Bad Entry to Test the react-router no-match Route
Create a Custom render Function to Simplify Tests of react-router Components
Test a Redux Connected React Component
Test a Redux Connected React Component with Initialized State
Create a Custom Render Function to Simplify Tests of Redux Components
Test a Custom React Hook with React’s Act Utility and a Test Component
Write a Setup Function to Reduce Duplication of Testing Custom React Hooks
Test a Custom React Hook with renderHook from React Hooks Testing Library
Test Updates to Your Custom React Hook with rerender from React Hooks Testing Library
Test React Portals with within from React Testing Library
Test Unmounting a React Component with React Testing Library
Write React Application Integration Tests with React Testing Library
Improve Reliability of Integration Tests using find* Queries from React Testing Library
Improve Reliability of Integration Tests Using the User Event Module
Install, Configure, and Script Cypress for JavaScript Web Applications
What's changed in Install, Configure, and Script Cypress for JavaScript Web Applications
Intro to Install, Configure, and Script Cypress for JavaScript Web Applications
Install and Run Cypress
Write the First Cypress Test
Configure Cypress in cypress.json
Installing Cypress Testing Library
Script Cypress for Local Development and Continuous Integration
Debug a Test with Cypress
Test User Registration with Cypress
Cypress Driven Development
Simulate HTTP Errors in Cypress Tests
Test User Login with Cypress
Create a User with cy.request from Cypress
Keep Tests Isolated and Focused with Custom Cypress Commands
Use Custom Cypress Command for Reusable Assertions
Run Tests as an Authenticated User with Cypress
Use cy.request from Cypress to Authenticate as a New User
Use a Custom Cypress Command to Login as a User
Combine Custom Cypress Commands into a Single Custom Command
Install React DevTools with Cypress
Use DOM Testing Library to test any JS framework
Intro to Use DOM Testing Library to test any JS framework
Use DOM Testing Library with React
Use DOM Testing Library with Preact
Use DOM Testing Library with jQuery
Use DOM Testing Library with Dojo
Use DOM Testing Library with HyperApp
Use DOM Testing Library with AngularJS
Use DOM Testing Library with Angular
Use DOM Testing Library with VueJS
Use DOM Testing Library with Mithril
Use DOM Testing Library with Svelte
Use DOM Testing Library with from-html
Test Node.js Backends
Intro to Test Node.js Backends
Test Pure Functions Overview
Write Unit Tests for a Simple Pure Function
Improve Error Messages by Generating Test Titles
Use jest-in-case to Reduce Duplication and Improve Test Titles
Create a Casify Function to Generate Cases for jest-in-case
Test Node Middleware Overview
Write a Unit Test for Handling an UnauthorizedError
Write a Unit Test for Handling headersSent in an Error Middleware
Write a Unit Test for Status 500 Error Middleware Fallback
Improve Test Maintainability using the Test Object Factory Pattern
Use a Test Object Factory utils/generate
Test Node Controllers Overview
Write a Unit Test for a Controller by Mocking the Database
Simplify Assertions on Error Messages with toMatchInlineSnapshot
Unit Test Business Logic of a Controller’s Middleware
Test Controller 404 Edge Case where Resource is Not Found
Test Controller Unauthorized Case
Test getListItems for Getting Multiple Mock Objects
Test the Happy Path of a Creation Flow
Testing an Error Case for createListItem
Testing the Happy Path for updateListItem
Testing Resource Deletion
Test Authentication API Routes Overview
Start a Node Server and Fire a Request to an HTTP API Endpoint
Make Assertions on HTTP API Responses for Registration
Test the Login Endpoint for a Node Server
Test the User’s Resource Endpoint
Create a Pre-configured axios Client for the baseURL
Improve Error Messages with an axios Interceptor
Ensure a Unique Server Port
Use Snapshots to Assert on Server Error Responses
Interact Directly with the Database
Test all the Edge Cases
Test CRUD API Routes Overview
Write an Integration Test for a Resource Create Endpoint
Write an Integration Test for a Resource Read Endpoint
Integration Test a Resource Update Endpoint
Integration Test a Resource Delete Endpoint
Snapshot the Error Message with Dynamic Data
Static Analysis Testing JavaScript Applications
Intro to Static Analysis Testing JavaScript Applications
Lint JavaScript by Configuring and Running ESLint
Use the ESLint Extension for VSCode
Use pre-built ESLint Configuration using extends
Run ESLint with npm Scripts
Format Code by Installing and Running Prettier
Configure Prettier
Use the Prettier Extension for VSCode
Disable Unnecessary ESLint Stylistic Rules with eslint-config-prettier
Validate All Files are Properly Formatted with Prettier
Avoid Common Errors by Installing and Configuring TypeScript
Make ESLint Support TypeScript Files
Validate Code in a pre-commit git Hook with husky
Auto-format All Files and Validate Relevant Files in a precommit Script with lint-staged
Run Multiple npm Scripts in Parallel with npm-run-all